Classes 2024-2025 Academic Year
​1) Survey of Physics Course:
This course discusses a wide variety of topics at a fast pace. I have been teaching this course for the past couple of years, and it has been very successful in introducing the kids to a wide range of topics, from topics in mechanics to electricity and magnetism to optics to quantum mechanics and much more. ​​
​This course is offered at both conceptual and quantitative levels.
​Conceptual level: Students who are taking physics for the first time and those who want to focus mainly on conceptual understanding without much use of equations and Math.
Monday at 7 pm EST and Tuesday at noon EST.
​Quantitative level: Grades 4-8, or students who are taking physics for the first time but are interested in using more Math and doing a bit of problem-solving.
Thursdays at 7 pm EST and Thursdays at noon EST.
The main difference between these levels is the depth of discussions and the level of Math used. Historically, the classes have been self-selected by the students, sometimes with my guidance. I have to say that 90% of students and parents choose the right level, but occasionally, I have had to move a student to a different level after a week or two. A smooth transition between tracks is absolutely possible.
All classes start on the first week of September and run through the end of May. I follow a trimester schedule to allow students to join in or drop out at specific times (end of Nov, end of Feb, and end of May). You will have to register for each trimester roughly in Aug (for trimester 1), Nov (for trimester 2 ), and February (trimester 3). Each trimester consists of 12 classes, each running for an hour. The price of each class is $25/ hour.​​
You may view a sample of my conceptual and quantitative classes below or write to me for guidance.

Sample of my conceptual classes.
​2) Advanced Course:
I am also teaching an advanced level of physics. At this level, students delve into more sophisticated topics in classical mechanics, such as vector analysis, rotation, and gravity. The mathematical rigor increases, with a focus on trigonometry, differential equations, and more sophisticated vector algebra. Students who have completed the quantitative level with me or similar level courses at other institutions may sign up for this class. The advanced course runs on a year-round schedule. You will have opportunities to register for this course on a trimester schedule (Aug, Nov and March)
For the 2024-2045 school year, I am offering a Mechanics advanced physics classes:
I will be following the MIT Mechanics course for undergraduates. All the material, including the lectures and demos, can be found in the MIT Mechanics course. This class will have roughly 30 minutes of optional homework/week.
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST.​
3) Physics of Sports:
This class is designed for returning students or those who have completed the first semester of Newtonian Mechanics with me. It will be at the quantitative level.
In this 11-week course, we’ll explore the fascinating physics behind sports like running, swimming, baseball, skiing, figure skating, and high jumping. You’ll learn how concepts like momentum, energy, and centripetal force play a crucial role in athletic performance. For example, we’ll analyze how swimmers reduce drag forces and how to calculate the basketball trajectory and range. We go in-depth to calculate the force experienced by the baseball when it hits the bat and much more! It is a very exciting course!
Each class discusses one sport independently of the next. We have already discussed the physics of skiing and basketball, but there are nine more sessions left in this class, so I am opening it to the rest of the students.
If you are currently enrolled in one of my other courses, you will receive a discount for this course. The tuition for those students will be $120 for the remaining nine classes or a little over $12 per class. Please write to me to express interest and get a Zoom Link to the course.